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Crisis in Athletics

With athletics being so broad, this comes with a wide range of possible crises an athlete may face. In this section, these possible crises across a wide range of sports will be covered in the videos below.

Cheating in Athletics

Cheating in athletics, whether this be a steroid scandle, deflate gate, or sports gambling. This section covers how to mitigate public relations issues when you find yourself, or your client in the middle of a cheating scandle in sports.

Locker Room Presence

Locker room presence is extremely important for an athlete's personal brand, especially the culture of a locker room gets called into question by the media. In this section, I will cover how an athlete can create a favorable locker room reputation, as well as combat allegations of being a locker room cancer. 

Trade Requests, and The Narrative Associated with Them

In athletics, requesting a trade can raise questions about loyalty, and maturity in the press. In this section, I will cover how to spin the narrative in a way that is in favor of the athlete. Learning to cite competitive edge, desire to win and desire to compete, as reasons for requesting a trade will get you and your client a lot further than citing contract disputes, and personal problems withing the team.

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